Our Autotrading Bots, whom we collectively call "MATT" (Managed Algorithmic Technical Trading), are designed to work with Futures Contracts on NinjaTrader.
As of January 2023, we have moved all of our offerings under one roof - Discord. ALL indicators, strategies, auto-trading bots, coaching and community are in one place, for one price. Join our Discord today!
MATT is adaptive. They monitor market activity throughout the day and adjust entries, targets, and stops automatically, based on the current price action - so you don't have to. This is greatly beneficial since market volatility and structure change throughout the trading day. (i.e. market open vs. mid-day vs. overnight sessions)
MATT is "managed auto". Although they find, enter and exit trades automatically, they are actively managed by humans and can easily be turned on, off, or paused should there be an anticipated event that may interfere with MATT's logic. (i.e. news release or political announcement) The settings are changed based on the instrument being traded, the time of day, the chart time, the account size, and the risk tolerance of the trader. However, when they are on, they trade automatically based purely on technical analysis.
MATT is simple. They follow the principles of Occam's Razor where "the idea that the most likely explanation for an event is usually the simplest explanation." In trading, that means we use a simpler strategy, with less variables, rather than a more complex one because it tends to be more testable.
This system is a risk-averse scalping style. They are designed to take small movement trades. They do not hold on to losing trades hoping they will turn around and they do not add to losing trades to "average down".
Be sure to view the 10 minute MATT FAQ video as it answers most questions about the system.
Check out some examples below.
To see more details, videos and download MATT files, visit the MATT Page here.
MATT Zone Predictor
Fracking Funded Programs
Scalping the Open
Ratcheting Stop Pivot Reversals
MATT runs on the NinjaTrader platform
You get all available MATT Autotrading Bots
Step-by-step video tutorial on usage
One-On-One Setup assistance via Zoom (this is $250 and is optional)
Purchase is for one machine ID only
Any future updates are included at no additional cost
We cannot offer any guarantee of results
As of January 2023, ALL bots are included with our Discord membership.
Great to use for Funded Programs! Choose your settings and let MATT do the work.
Should you want assistance in setting it up and a one-on-one tutorial on best usage and practices (this is a 2 hour Zoom call) - then select the MATT Setup Fee below.