Which trader(s) should I follow? Who's course or chat room or alert service should I sign up for? How much money do I start with? What strategy should I use?
These are valid questions. And the answer is: It depends.
It depends on your goals, your financial entry level, where you live, your style (day, swing, futures, forex, etc), your personality and risk/comfort level. We have experience with many of the top names in the retail day trading circle and have used most of their services, so we can help. (and probably get you a discount)
Allow us to guide you and help find the right fit from day one. Most traders go months and months trying different brokers, systems, strategies - all the while losing money. We don't want to see this happen to you.
Who do we use? We are all different and we sometimes switch around. And it shouldn't matter. We will guide you to what is best suitable for you.